DKC2/3 Hacking Support Tool
The tools distributed here are for simplifying the editiong
process of DKC hacking etc. The administrator specializes in DKC2 so the tools are
mainly for it, but there also are DKC1 and DKC3 tools. The links of the Core Tools
for remodeling is posted here as well, so people who want to start DKC hacking are
○Core Tools (They link to outside page. Please use them
according to the individual website/software's User Agreement.)
(Link for NTSC-J version ROM editor.)
DKC2/3's multifunction hacking tool. Able to change the
locations of sprites and bananas, camera settings, level settings, import/export
of tilemaps, etc. If you wish to expand DKC2's ROM to 6MB, use SDK2 Editor for 48Mbit
ROM Edition or Super Gorilla Maker 2 located at the bottom of this page.
Universal map editor software for editing tilemap data.
You can't edit the level tilemaps without
Hex editor. A software for fixing data that cannot be
edited by tools such as SDK2 Editor. This opens all files, not just the
ROMs, so please be careful.
Grphics editor. Able to edit any umcompressed pucture
data directly by loading the ROM as a picture file.
○Hacking support tools (The tools that I personally developed
and created. Please read the attached "readme" file or manual of each tools for
terms or usage.)
* Since the software are developed upon the result of my
personal analysis, please note that there is a possibility of defects due
to the flaw in the analysis. Also, all tools are designed to be able to
change the address since I highly value the data's extensibility, but changing
the address without proper knowledge is very dangerous and may corrupt other data.
* If noted otherwise, all the tools distributed on this
page require a computer that has .Net Framework 4.5 or above installed. If Windows
Updates were installed as nomally, ther should be no problem.
* All the debugs were done on Windows7 Professional 64bit.
I appreciate behavior reports on any other Windows OS.
Tools that used for analysing
- snes9x Ver1.51 debugger
- snes9x Ver1.43-rr
- lsnes rr2-beta22
- snes dis65816 Ver0.20
Super Gorilla Maker 2
See the details at this page. The
download link is there as well.
- The completely original DKC2 multifuntion hacking tool
created anew.
- Offers stronger hacking functions than SDK2 Editor.
- Loads Japanese, North American, and European 1.0 versions.
- Supports Japanese and English.
SDK2 Editor for 48Mbit ROM Edition (sdk2
Editor Ver0.084)
- Loads DKC2's 48Mbit (6MB) expanded ROM.
- From Ver0.083 it loads ROMs between 32Mbit to
48Mbit, so those with standard ROM are now able to use this.
- Includes simplified tool that can expand the ROMs
- Ver0.084 supports NTSC-J Ver 1.0, and Ver0.084(U)
supports NTSC-U Ver1.0. It does not support ROMs or other regions and
- Functions are exactly the same as original SDK2
- Only supports Normal format for ExHiROM with
32Mbits+ size.
- Supports both Normal/Interleave formats fot standard
32Mbit HiROM.
- Cannnot load ExHiROM larger than 48Mbits.
- [Ver0.084] Supports mapchip related data later than
bank $40. Added normalization to color decoding.
- [Ver0.083] Supports 32Mbit standard HiROM and
ExHiROM up to 48Mbit again. Made sprite location data loading process
- [Ver0.082] Supports data writing later than Bank
$40. Made ROM check stricter.
- [Ver0.081] Fixed fatal bug that prevented saving
data later than Bank $40. Changed the specification to 48Mbit ExHiROM
Download (242KB) Ver0.084 (For NTSC-J Ver1.0/
Include ROM expansion tool)
Download (188KB) Ver0.084(U) (For NTSC-U
Ver1.0/ English translation)
DKC2 Graphics editor
- Sprite 16 color palette editing, tileset 128 color palette
editing support.
- Sprite graphics editing support.
- Tileset GFX decode (Ver1.1)

- This tool is compiled with Microsoft Visual C#. Therefore,
it will not work without .Net Framework Version 4.5 or higher.
- Ver1.0 supports NTSC-J version. Ver1.0U supports NTSC-U
- Normal/Interleaved ROMs are supported (32Mbit Fast HiROM)
- Normal ROMs are supported (32Mbit - 48Mbit ExHiROM)
- Headered ROMs are also supported.
- NTSC-J/U (Ver1.1), E version are not supported.
Download (342KB) (Ver1.1) (For
NTSC-J/ Japanese/ Latest)
Download (317KB)
(Ver1.0) (For NTSC-J/ Japanese)
Download (317KB) (Ver1.0U) (For
NTSC-U/ English translation)
DKC2 World map editor
- World map path editing mode
- World map view

- This tool is compiled with Microsoft Visual C#. Therefore,
it will not work without .Net Framework Version 4.5 or higher.
- NTSC-J (Ver1.1) is also supported.
- NTSC-U, E version are not supported.
- Headered ROMs are also supported.
- Interleaved ROMs are not supported.
DKC2 Text editor
- Kong family's message, Wrinkry & Kranky's hint message,
quiz, and menu text editing mode
- Fee editing for quiz, hint, flight, and Klubba.

- This tool is compiled with Microsoft Visual C#. Therefore,
it will not work without .Net Framework Version 4.5 or higher.
- Level name editing is not supported. Please use sdk2editor
or DKC2 World map editor to change level name.
- NTSC-J (Ver1.1) NTSC-U, E version are not supported.
- Interleaved ROMs are not supported.
- Headered ROMs are also supported.
Download (211KB) (Ver0.2)
DKC series banana arrangement
pattern editor
- Banana arrangement pattern editing mode
- DKC1, 2, and 3 are editable
- checksum fix

- This tool is compiled with Microsoft Visual C#. Therefore,
it will not work without .Net Framework Version 4.5 or higher.
- Ver1.1 supports NTSC-J version. Ver1.1U supports NTSC-U
- Normal/Interleaved ROMs are supported (32Mbit Fast HiROM)
- Normal ROMs are supported (32Mbit - 48Mbit ExHiROM)
- Headered ROMs are also supported.
- NTSC-J/U (Ver1.1), E version are not supported.
Download (299KB) (Ver1.1) (For NTSC-J/
DKC1 - 3 are editable/ Japanese)
Download (299KB)
(Ver1.1U) (For NTSC-U/ DKC1 - 3 are editable/ English translation)
Map chip editor
- GFX and palette view
- Real-time preview
- Bitmap dump for dkEdit/ Platinum/ sdk3Editor

- This tool is compiled with Microsoft Visual C#. Therefore,
it will not work without .Net Framework Version 4.5 or higher.
- This tool does not use ROM data. But you need uncompressed
GFX data, and 128 colors SNES palette.
Download (222KB) (Ver1.11) (Japanese)
Download (222KB) (Ver1.11U) (English
DKC2/3 Loaded sprite information
- View sprite information which loaded on sprite memory.
- Sprite memory ID numbering

- This tool is written by snes9x-lua-script. You need
snes9x Ver1.43-rr or Ver1.51-rr to run this script.
- This script is based on NTSC-J version RAM address.